Saturday, January 31, 2015

Top Outfits of 2014

2014 was a great year! I was able to wear a lot of cool outfits, and my style really got a chance to grow. I also managed to find my dream dress this past year too. Here are my favorite outfits from 2014 shown in chronological order.

A quick coord with fantasy theater for a local convention. This is one of my favorite prints!

This is a coordinate with Baby the Stars Shine Bright's "The World's Most Adorable Dog and the World's Most Delicious Strawberry Parfait" Skirt. I tried to go for a vintage/50's feel with the coordinate. I feel that the shoes, accessories, and cardigan really define the coord.

A casual punk inspired coordinate for a meetup to the cider mill!

This was my first coordinate with my dream dress, Btssb's Alices Dollhouse jsk. It was also my birthday coordinate!

I hope that you enjoyed taking a look at some of my favorite outfits from the past year. I had a lot of fun wearing these outfits, and I hope that my style can grow even more this year. Here are some of my goals for 2015:

1. Continue to post on this blog with new outfits.
2. Experiment more with mixing different styles and sub-styles.
3. Try new fashions that I haven't worn before. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hello Everybody!

Hi and welcome to my blog! I'm Peggy and this is the start of my fashion blog. I love Japanese street fashions and mostly wear aomoji-kei and lolita fashion. I am starting this blog for a place to share my outfits, art, and adventures. I have been wearing Japanese street fashions for over a year now, and I'm always interested in learning more about different fashions and creating new coordinates. My favorite color combinations are mixing dark colors with pastels.

This was my birthday outfit from last year.
The above picture is my favorite outfit so far. It's from my birthday last year. I'm wearing my Alice's Dollhouse JSK from Baby the Stars Shine Bright, which was my very first dream dress.

In addition to this blog, I also have a tumblr and instagram where I post my outfits.

Thank you so much for checking out my blog, I hope you enjoy it!